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Pre-school 3-5 years

This is the Pre-school Room. They are catered for on a 1:8 ratio, to encourage their independence

​Children are individually supported to gain confidence and respect for themselves and others. Both individually and in groups, the children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary, using a variety of methods – stories, songs and rhymes. It is equally important that they learn to listen to others, instructions etc.

The children will become familiar with maths as staff provide a variety of counting, sorting, matching and sequencing activities. As their mathematical understanding develops, they will use this knowledge to solve problems.

If your child receives 15/30 hours Funding , this can be used flexibly in this room


Children are well prepared for their next stage of learning. Children confidently talk to visitors about what they are doing. They demonstrate a good level of independence. For example, younger children explore their environment. Older children take responsibility for laying tables and serving their own food. Younger children gain an understanding of how books work as they turn the pages. Older children explore letters and the sounds they represent. They use this knowledge to read simple words in familiar stories. Children begin to learn about democracy as they vote on which book to read.( Ofsted , 2019)

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